MMOG/LE Assessment Tips l Converting v4 to v5

The Odette MMOG converter tool is used to convert the MMOG/LE v4 Excel workbooks into XML files, which can be imported into the web portalThis is useful when you want to:

  • populate a new Assessment in with answers from a previous assessment which is in an Excel format,
  • import an existing Assessment which is in an Excel format to create a historical record in,
  • import customer feedback based on an Excel MMOG LE V4 workbook in MMOG np.

The convert tool can also be used to convert an MMOG/LE v4.1 Assessment created in into an Excel format.

How to convert and MMOG/LE Assessment:

NOTE:  Only MMOG/LE v4.1 can be converted.  However, v4.1 can be imported into a v5 MMOG/LE Assessment.

Reference the Odette Converter Tool – English (pdf) for detailed instructions on how to complete the conversion process

Steps for importing an MMOG/LE v4.1 Assessment into the for an internal site:

NOTE:  Only users with the role of  “Company admin” or “Site admin” can create a new MMOG/LE Assessment 

  • Log in to the web portal
  • Go to the “Edit” menu located in the toolbar
  • Select “All Assessments”
  • Click the “New assessment” command button located towards the bottom of the screen
  • Input the information into the form on the “New assessment” screen
    • If you have uploaded the catalogs for v4.1 and v5, you will have the ability to select which version you want to create
    • If you are creating an MMOG/LE v5 Assessment, upon importing the XML file, the criteria will be automatically mapped from v4.1 to v5
  • Check the “Include feedback” box if you want to import the customer feedback recorded in the “Assessment & Gap Analysis” worksheet in the Excel workbook,
  • Click the “Select assessment” command button located at the bottom of the form, under “To add answers from an existing assessment, upload an assessment result file.
  • From the dialog box, locate and select the MMOG/LE V4.1 results file that was converted to XML,
  • Click the “Open” command button on the dialog box.
  • Click the “Save” command button to complete the import process.

Reference page 17 – 18 of the “How to complete an assessment” user guide for detailed instructions on how to import an Assessment.

Contact the MMOG/LE Help Desk using the BASICS Contact Form if you need additional support with setting up, completing, or submitting your MMOG/LE Assessment.

Disclaimer:  Any MMOG/LE information published by B.A.S.I.C.S. is superseded by information published by Odette, AIAG, and customers, as applicable.  Please contact your customer to resolve any conflicts.